Pacific Tides
My name is Thomas Sturm and I'm a programmer, photographer and writer.

Now go outside and look at the sky.

The Conservatory

The Conservatory of Flowers in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park is a wonderfully old fashioned place and we come here about once a year to take pictures, usually on a workday when the place is empty enough to allow for good photos.

It's a very tight place with narrow walkways between the towering plants, high humidity and low light, so it's a bit of a challenge to find a good subject and shooting in there can be quite strenuous. But we always come back for more...

Here's a shot of the eastern wing of the conservatory with its huge water lily pond and tropical vegetation.

Taken with my Kodak Vigilant f8.8 on Ilford Delta 100.

© 1998 - 2024 Thomas Sturm