Pacific Tides
My name is Thomas Sturm and I'm a programmer, photographer and writer.

Now go outside and look at the sky.

MapSkip Is Live

After about four months of work - usually late at night or on weekends - both me and Kazumi are proud to present MapSkip to the world.

We came up with the idea for this site when we were looking at other Google Maps mashups and one thing we noticed was how much the users of these sites wanted to tell their own stories about these places. So we decided to create a mashup that would make it easy for users to tell their stories. Sounds easy enough, but it took us a little while to find the right tone and functionality for the site.

Now it is done. If you can never get your first name as user name in other sites since there's already a million users, here's your chance. Be one of the first to claim your name and your very own places on MapSkip.

© 1998 - 2024 Thomas Sturm